Apologies for not rambling of late. Been busier then a one armed paper hanger. Fran and I are less then 48 hours away from jetting off to the land of rum and pirates, also known as Jamaica (one of Jimmy Buffett's hang outs). We're gonna need a vacation just from getting ready to go ON vacation!
Which is great timing since Colorado is in the midst of one of their infamous spring (read: winter) storms. Apparently we're supposed to get upwards of 14 inches of snow by tomorrow night. Jamaica at 90 degrees is looking better and better every minute.
Anywho... I wanted to give a quick shout out to my dad - Happy Birthday! April is a busy month for our clan, what with mine on the 7th, my dad's on the 20th and Fran's on the 28th. Then Fran and I have our wedding anniversary on May 2nd (not 3rd as I originally posted, it's our THIRD anniversary).
Not entirely sure if we'll have Internet service down there in Negril, but if we do I'll post some updates when possible. Between the rum, Red Stripe and Cuban cigars, that might not be often. So if ya don't hear from us in a few weeks... send out the Coast Guard. Dem pirates got us!
Heroes returned last night after a short hiatus. For those of you who don't know what Heroes is all about, look it up. Just kidding, it's about superheroes. Think M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. My buddy Steven shot me these parodies making the rounds on YouTube. Check 'em out, they are so funny you'll be in stitches!
Oh man, I'm still laughing! Those will NEVER get old.
Until next time... keep the sunscreen lathered up nice n' thick and the Red Stripes (or a Land Shark Lager if you're so inclined) cold. I'll see ya when we get back. That is... IF we come back! Ire, mon!
While I do love free beer, and your kind words about the dining column, I don't want anyone to know what I look like. Such knowledge could endanger you and me both.
Keep up the good work though. And if you're really brimming with good will, send a warm PBR tall boy to
Nathaniel Glen
The Gazette
PO box 1779
C.S. CO 80901
PBR? PBR?!?!? GAAAAAAA man! You're the dining critic and you're drinking PBR?!
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