Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Vista Through a Cracked Looking Glass

So lately I've been having several interesting discussions with a myriad of folks about Vista, Games For Windows Live, the actual two games for Vista (Halo 2 and Shadowrun - which I'm writing a review for at this very moment and will be posted on GameDaily on Friday) and the assortment of botches each one demonstrates. We're having one over on Terry Terrones' (the Colorado Springs Gazette's video game guru) blog, As the Gaming World Turns - if you care to participate.

My buddy Steven, knowing full well how I've turned from being a proponent of Bill Gates & Croonies - er, I mean Company, found this flow chart (created by Brian Briggs over at BBspot.com)... which I HAD to put up for you all to see. And laugh at. Enjoy!

(Click on the image to enlarge)

UPDATE: Just found an interesting article over on a site called DailyGame, which is awfully close (too close perhaps?) to our own AOL GameDaily. Sounds like a job for lawyers. Bleh. Anywho... the author of this rant sounds as pissed off as I am about Microsoft!

Hey Billy G... the natives are getting restless! Could be that "The Pow Wow Starts Now!" Boooya!

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