Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Taking Care of Business

My dad Emailed this to me a few minutes ago, who got it from a friend of his. It's so true that I just had to pass it along.

Warning, some of the pictures in the following sequence may be disturbing. These are actual photos of a kidnapping/negotiation that took place in Japan.

"I have 3 demands or I'll kill the boy!"

Negotiators assess the situation from next door.

Head Negotiator dispatched.

Negotiations begin.

Negotiations end.

Everyone goes home in time for dinner. (Well, almost everyone...)

In the U.S. we would assume this guy is innocent and we would attempt to discuss the situation for hours, maybe even a day or longer. Give him a fair trial, find him guilty, send him to prison for a few years where he'll get out and most likely do something stupid again. While in prison he will have a roof over his head, watch TV, eat like a king and maybe learn the law. Before we know it he'll turn around and sue the police negotiator and local and national governments - all this and more is paid for with our taxes !!!

In Japan - They keep their expenses and time to a minimum! No wonder their cars cost less.

On a much lighter note, I want one of these...

It puts "personal" back into the personal computer... dontcha think?

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