Thursday, February 21, 2008

Battlestar Returns!

Now that the writer's are done striking... GET BACK TO WORK! I kid. But I did just find out that my fave show, Battlestar Galactica, returns April 4 (three days before my birthday, wooohoo!).

The first half of its 20-episode final season (NOOOOOOO!) was thankfully already filmed before the big brouhaha with the greedy basitch studios errupted back in October. Production on the final 10 episodes looks to begin in March. Airdates for them have not yet been announced.

Also of note, Lost (another of my fave shows) will be taping an additional five episodes to begin airing on April 24 in a new 10PM time slot.

Sadly, the 7th season of 24 will not return until January '09. Damn.

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